November 29, 2023

Building the business case for the introduction of APAS Independence

Abstract: Introduction of automation into laboratories is a multi-faceted consideration requiring several stakeholders to inform decisions. Building the business case is sometimes complex and at the core of the business case is a return-on-investment (ROI) proposition to justify expenditure, whether it be re-utilisation of staff on other and current tasks, or availing time for additional revenue-generating tasks. When considering the implementation of APAS Independence across multiple labs globally, a ROI of 4 years or less was demonstrated in 96% of studies, with 88% of studies delivering a ROI within 2-4 years, and 46% of studies demonstrating a ROI within 3 years. All of the US sites included in this study delivered a ROI of less than 3.5 years. Notwithstanding the demonstrated clinical performance of the APAS Independence, these data demonstrate the adoption of APAS Independence provides financial benefit to most laboratories.

White Paper

Date: November 2023

Authors: S Giglio, L. Brenton, N. Jazmatti, H. Wisplinghoff

Citation: S Giglio, L. Brenton, N. Jazmatti and H. Wisplinghoff. Building the business case for the introduction of APAS Independence. White Paper. Nov 23.

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