We make a real difference in microbiology

clever culture systems APAS Independence culture plate loading

Clever Culture Systems is a leader in microbiology technology driven by artificial intelligence, delivering modular automation solutions that maximise laboratory efficiency.

Our technologies are designed by microbiologists for microbiologists to ensure our products not only meet the needs of the laboratory but also seamlessly integrate within our customer’s workflow. Our team are highly experienced in laboratory automation, diagnostics and microbiology.

Leveraging our history in clinical microbiology, where we have multiple global regulatory clearances (FDA, CE Mark, TGA) and more than 25 publications in leading academic journals, we have adopted the same robust scientific approach for environmental monitoring plate reading. We understand the importance of each result, and therefore follow our validated design and development process using proven machine learning processes.

Innovation that creates benefits for labs
Our modular automation solutions address the biggest challenges for microbiologists to maximise laboratory efficiency.
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Intelligent automation
clever culture systems APAS Independence culture plate loading
Culture plate being inspected by APAS Independence
What’s our secret?
Our technologies are designed by microbiologists for microbiologists — so they meet the needs of laboratories and seamlessly integrate within any workflow.
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AI for microbiology
Our team
Our team is highly experienced in microbiology, quality, laboratory automation and artificial intelligence and diagnostics.
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PEople & Partners
APAS Independence culture plate streaking

APAS technology platform

Our APAS (Automated Plate Assessment System) technology is changing the way microbiologists read and interpret culture plates.

Global approval
Our robust, data-driven approach has led to global-first regulatory clearances for culture plate reading across multiple applications.
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APAS Independence
APAS Independence Global approval by country

Proven performance

Scientific library

The APAS Independence technology is proven in clinical trials and referenced in more than 25 publications in leading academic journals.

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Scientific library