Antimicrobial susceptibility

The World Health Organisation has identified the growth of antimicrobial resistance as one of the Top 10 global health threats and released a Global Action Plan to increase antimicrobial stewardship awareness.1
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Plate

It’s an important issue

Millions of antimicrobial susceptibility tests (ASTs) are performed around the world each day.
Clinical laboratories provide a critical role in informing clinicians of the most appropriate treatment options.
Disc diffusion testing provides accurate and flexible reporting of antimicrobial susceptibility.

Challenges for microbiology labs

Despite its importance, there has been little advance in the standard disk diffusion method for identifying antimicrobial susceptibility. These challenges remain:

Variability of results
Measurements of zone of inhibition are subject to human error
Inefficient use of resources
High demand on expert microbiologist time
2-3 minutes are spent per plate for reporting
High impact
AST results are often the most critical result reported by the laboratory

The APAS Independence solution

APAS Independence Zone Reading Analysis Module
The APAS Zone Reading Analysis Module employs Clever Culture Systems’ artificial intelligence image analysis software to read the disc on the plate and provide a zone diameter measurement.
Zone Reading Analysis Module from APAS Independence

Benefits of the APAS system

Speed of result
Process culture plates over 5 times faster than manual handling
Accuracy of result
Digital workflows reduce variability and subjectivity of results
Reports results directly to your LIMS and provides a digital record

Features of the APAS Independence Zone Reading Analysis Module

Accurate measurement of zone of inhibition
Quality control features (lawn quality, isolates, zone edge)
Digital workflow to review results and adjust zones as required
Automatic detection of D-Zone and Keyhole effects
High-throughput and automatic culture plate reading
Ability to integrate with existing LIMS

APAS Web User Interface

The APAS Web User Interface provides a digital platform to review zone size measurements, allowing users to adjust results as required.

High quality digital plate images
Simple annotation of results
Digital zone measurement tools
Mueller Hinton plate showing measurement of zones of inhibition in antibiotic susceptibility testing.