April 27, 2022

Streamlining Urine Processing with modular automation using DxM Autoplak and APAS Independence: A French experience with CPSE media

Investigation of urine samples remains a core focus for microbiology laboratories and has largely remained manual in nature. Biomed 21 Dijon evaluated a modular combination of new technologies to assess their efficiency to streamline operations.

In this evaluation, the performance of DxM Autoplak to streak Bio-Rad UriSelect 4 and BioMérieux CPSE was compared, and the APAS Independence with CPSE Analysis Module for automated reading and interpretation of culture plates was compared to the laboratory's routine reading of the UriSelect plate. A key interest was to assess the performance of the APAS Independence + CPSE Analysis Module to reliably classify E. coli growth when the growth was significant.

DxM Autoplak demonstrated an excellent repeatability and standardization of the streaking. The APAS Independence + CPSE Analysis Module demonstrated over 94% of concordance with visual reading and more than 95% of correct classification of E. coli.

The study concluded that DxM Autoplak was a suitable alternative to manual streaking of urine culture plates. The use of the APAS Independence + CPSE Analysis module delivered a high level of agreement with the current routine method using UriSelect 4, and demonstrated the ability to segregate E. coli classification with a high degree of accuracy.

Poster Presentation: Bio Med 21, Dijon

Conference: ECCMID 2022, Lisbon

Date: April 2022

Authors: Bidan, J., Rivoire, N., Munier, L. and Alcaraz, C.

Citation: Bidan, J., Rivoire, N., Munier, L. and Alcaraz, C. 2022. Streamlining Urine Processing with modular automation using DxM Autoplak and APAS Independence: A French experience with CPSE media. ECCMID 2022. Lisbon.

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