Microbiology laboratories are facing increasing challenges. The pressure is rising to deliver critical environmental monitoring results in an industry that demands exceptional quality and accuracy of data.
Microbial quality control is a fundamental requirement. It provides for sterility assurance and compliance during the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals.
The APAS Independence is the only scientifically proven instrument that uses artificial intelligence to read environmental monitoring culture plates following incubation — improving accuracy and traceability of results over current manual processes.
Key features of APAS Independence
High-throughput and walk away
APAS Independence delivers unmatched automation, scale and efficiency for pharmaceutical labs
One APAS instrument will automate the reading and reporting of up to 1600 plates in 8 hours
Flexible and independent
APAS Independence does not require proprietary media
The APAS technology works with all major media suppliers, supporting both 90mm and contact culture plates
Objective and compliant
The APAS instrument provides full data integrity and an audit trail of results to meet your regulatory standards
APAS Independence improves your existing reporting processes through automation
Learn more about APAS Independence for pharmaceutical labs